Tag Archives: Grace

Compassion or Selfishness?

I’ve been thinking about how I would jump in and start blogging again. Where do I start? How do I plan out my posts? Where to begin? … It’s been such a long time.

After this week’s tornado tragedy in Oklahoma, I got to thinking. I felt that I wanted to share my thoughts with you, so this is where I will start.

“The Most Important Things in Life Aren’t Things” ~ from Moore, OK debris. Image links to Pinterest source.

I don’t know anyone in Moore, OK. I used to live in the Tulsa area, so I do know a lot of people close to the action. Since the devastation is close to an area where I used to live, and I know people who know people affected, I couldn’t help but look at my children and think, “what if…?” Then it dawned on me – how selfish!

Moore, OK – May 2013. Photo links to source.

(Let me fill you in on my thought process here).

Are we selfish even amidst our compassion for others? Do we only care or give it a second thought if it’s our family, our state, or our country? Tragedy happens every day. Yet, are we only bothered if it’s highly publicized? Or, like me, do you find that you only empathize if it’s close to home?

And then I’m reminded of our own depravity as human beings. That right in the middle of our compassion and empathy for others, our sin nature shines bright, and selfishness ensues. We still only think of ourselves. My Feelings. My loved ones. Me. Me. Me.

Romans 3:10-12

It’s always a good thing to be reminded of our need for a savior. Thank you, Lord, for Your grace. Strip me of all selfishness, I pray. Help me to have compassion for those I cannot see — a true compassion that’s without selfishness or pride. Amen.

Lots of love,

Linked up at http://cornerstoneconfessions.com

The History of “Grace”

As you have probably noticed, I didn’t post a furniture item yesterday. You see, I had to return the 5th item (the headboard). Somehow it got damaged between purchase and pick-up and my husband came home with just a piece of molding that wouldn’t do. Time to go shopping again!

Did anyone notice the painting that hung above “Rose – A Coral Beauty”?

I found him from the Salvation Army for only $2.50! I normally just glance at the photo section in thrift stores (mainly looking for good size frames with the intentions of throwing the existing artwork away), but this painting struck me! I’m drawn to how solemn the man is. He took the time to set his glasses down before giving thanks. He doesn’t appear to be particularly wealthy, but shows such reverence and gratitude. I did some online research and found that the print originated from a photographer by the name of Eric Enstrom in 1918. Enstrom, while speaking of this photo, said, “I wanted to take a picture that would show people that even though they had to do without many things because of the war they still had much to be thankful for.” The full story can be found here – a website run by the Enstrom family. They are still selling reprints online today. I’m so happy I found it! Although my print seems to be one of the older ones, it probably isn’t worth much due to the scratches and general wear — but “Grace” is just perfect to me!
Lots of love,